Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 7
December 1, 2020

Pearl Harbor was once known only for its ample supply of pearl oysters. No one would have ever dreamed that this harbor would become the reason that the United States entered into World War II. It is now known for one the most infamous tragedies that occurred December 7, 1941.
2,335 US soldiers died during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Roughly half of those killed were aboard the USS Arizona. The giant ship was bombed and sank in less than ten minutes trapping over a thousand men on board. Today, the ship lies exactly where it sank and is a giant tomb. A memorial was erected and floats directly on top of the ship.
The mood at the memorial is somber even today nearly 80 years later. Over 1.5 million people visit the USS Arizona memorial yearly.
Many tourists visit the site to remember the lives lost on that fateful morning so long ago.